Invited Speakers(Tentative)
Control Systems, Mathematical Physics and Fractional Dynamics
LAU, Beirut, Lebanon
Fractional Calculus
SIIRT Uni., Turkey
Applied Mathematics
SIIRT Uni., Turkey
Differential equations, symmetries
Partial Differential Equations, Solitons
USF, Florida, USA
Homogenization, Optimal Control
IISC Bangalore, India
Nonlinear Analysis, Solvability of operator equations, Controllability
IIT Roorkee, India
Geometry of Numbers, Algebraic Coding Theory
Panjab University, India
Discrete Mathematics
CU Kerala, India
Relativistic Cosmology
VNIT Nagpur, India
Theoretical Cosmology, Modified Theories of Gravity
BITS Hyderabad, India
Geometry and its interface with group theory
IISER Mohali, Mohali, PB
Algebra and Cryptography
IIT Delhi, India
Approximation Theory
NSUT, India
Partial Integro-Differential Equations, Stochastic Partial Differential Equations, Inverse Problems
IIT Roorkee, India
Algebraic Topology, Combinatorial Topology and Discrete Mathematics
IIT Delhi, India
Mathematical Modeling
Driven Diffusive Systems
Lattice Hydrodynamics
IIT Ropar, India
Nonlinear Dynamics
University of Delhi, India
Fluid Dynamics, Heat and Mass Transfer
NIT Jalandhar, India
Knot Theory
Spatial Graphs
IIT Ropar, India
Mathematical Ecology and Epidemiology
Stochastic Modelling in Mathematical Biology
NIT Patna, India
SDE with Levy noise, Markovian switching and delays, McKean–Vlasov SDE
IIT Roorkee, India
Differential Equations, Modeling, and Simulation
IIT Indore, India