
Fee Structure

CategoryIndustry/ Corporate/ AcademicianResearch Scholar/ Students
Indian DelegatesEarly Bird Registration
Before October 07, 2024
₹ 4000₹ 3000
Foreign Delegates$ 150$ 125
Indian DelegatesRegular Registration
Before October 30, 2024
₹ 5000₹ 4000
Foreign Delegates$ 180$ 135
Indian DelegatesOn Spot₹ 6000₹4500
Foreign Delegates$ 200$ 150

Registration Fees includes conference Kit, lunch and snacks during the conference. Accommodation is provided at additional cost and this will also include breakfast and dinner.

  • Instructions For Registration

    • Step 1: Submit abstract on the Submission page in the said format.
    • Step 2: When notification for the acceptance of the abstract is received, pay registration fee, according to your category.
    • Step 3: Fill the registration form.

Note: Those who only want to attend this conference can pay the registration fee directly and fill out the form. While filling out the registration form, put Abstract ID as N/A.